O2B Kids
Play Groups

About Playgroups at O2B Kids!

Learning and Playing Together!

Come express yourself! Come Play With Us! O2B Play Groups are for families with children between the ages of 1-5. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for a fun-filled morning of activities, learning and FUN! Morning magic delivers high quality curriculum in art, literacy, and gymnastics that help your child prepare for kindergarten. Children create, discover, dream, play and learn… all with you by their side to see them shine!


Each day of Morning Magic begins with songs and adventure, as we are introduced to the Theme, Shape, Color, Letter, and Number of the week! Kids will love learning the routine of the morning and the structure will set the stage for years of school fun and excitement.
The Morning Magic Show

The Morning Magic Show

Ages: 0-5

Play and Learn together! Join our Morning Magic Crew as they introduce the Theme, Shape, Color, Letter, and Number of the Week! We will sing and dance and play together before venturing off into our classes.



Ages: 1-5

Sing, play games, and learn some tumbling skills along the way! Caregivers and their children embark on a thematic gymnastics class together.

StoryTime Art

StoryTime Art

Ages: 1-5

Teachers will lead the class through a story time adventure finishing with an art project for you and your child to complete together.

Stay and Play

Stay and Play

Ages: 0-5

After classes are done, stay and have some fun!
Parents and children are invited to stay from 11:15-noon to grab a snack in the cafe, climb and slide, and have a great time playing with their teachers in our Play Village.


Social, Cognitive, and Emotional Skills

  1. Cooperation
  2. Confidence
  3. Conflict Resolution
  4. Elements of a Book
  5. Emotional Intelligence
  6. Empathy
  7. Focus
  8. Following Directions
  9. Friendship
  10. Goal Setting
  11. Language Development
  12. Listening
  13. Pride
  14. Problem Solving
  15. Self- Regulation
  16. Sharing
  17. Social Interation
  18. Taking Turns
  19. Teamwork
  20. Vocabulary

Art Skills

  1. Building with Shapes
  2. Cause and Effect
  3. Clean Up Procedures
  4. Collage
  5. Coloring
  6. Cutting
  7. Drawing
  8. Finger Painting
  9. Handedness
  10. Mixing Colors
  11. Painting
  12. Pasting
  13. Patterns
  14. Recognizing Colors
  15. Recognizing Shapes
  16. Scissor Safety
  17. Sensory Awareness
  18. Sequencing
  19. Sorting
  20. Spatial Awareness

Gymnastics Skills

  1. Arabesque
  2. Backward Roll
  3. Balance
  4. Basket Hang
  5. Body Positions
  6. Bunny Hops
  7. Candlestick
  8. Chasse
  9. Chin to Bar
  10. Donkey Kick
  11. Forward Roll
  12. Front Support
  13. Hangs on Bar
  14. Jumps
  15. Log Roll
  16. Marching
  17. Monkey Jump
  18. Skipping
  19. Straddle
  20. Table

Morning Magic Schedule

When group size calls for it, kids will be divided by age groups and classes will happen in an alternate order.
Morning Magic
  • 10:15-10:30

    The Morning Magic Show

  • 10:30-11:00


  • 11:00-11:30

    StoryTime Art

  • 11:30-12:00

    Stay and Play


Play is the Brains Favorite Way to Learn!

Children develop more rapidly between ages 0-5 than any other time in their lives. Morning Magic is a safe environment for kids to test their limits while growing and playing with the person that makes them feel the most secure- YOU! Moms, Dads, Nannies, Grandmas, and Grandpas are invited to join in the learning fun. Help your child gain new physical skills while stretching their imaginations and preparing for Kindergarten.
Be Curious
Problem Solving
Be Healthy
Healthy Body
Healthy Mind
Healthy Habits
Be Kind
Social Connection

It is a happy talent to know how to play.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Class Rules

Respect Others

Students are asked to listen and respect others at all times.

Have FUN!

Always remember that having fun is the best way to learn!

Parent Child Class Expectations

All Morning Magic classes are designed for caregivers and their children to enjoy together. Parents are expected to join in for all the fun!

Dress Code

Kids will be running, jumping, tumbling, painting, cutting, and gluing. Please bring children in comfortable clothing that is okay to get messy!

Morning Magic Events

Morning Magic Calendar

Sweet Heart Party
Spring Classes Begin
Spring Break
Spring Fling- Bring a Friend Event
Summer Classes Begin
Summer Beach Bash
Back to School
Fall Classes Begin
Morning Magic Open House - Bring a Friend Event
Character Parade
Thankful Party
Winter Classes Begin
Winter Holiday Extravaganza

Find the Perfect Class