In the year 1992, two best friends, Andy Sherrard and Danny Stevens, embarked on a one-year journey around the world in search of adventure and excitement...and the meaning of life! During their travels, across oceans and continents, the pair discovered that even at the ripe old age of 25 they were living everyday “learning through play.” The concept sparked in each of them a deep interest in education...and they excitedly returned home to the swamps of Gainesville, Florida to begin planning the ultimate learning environment for kids.
The simple goal of this "new learning playground" was to help children find undiscovered passions, develop important life-skills, make new friends and experience daily laughter on their way to becoming responsible, respectful citizens of our world! No ordinary environment would do. An education “SuperCenter” would be needed - combining a magical play village for unscripted funanigans together with an organized calendar of daily classes - from the arts & sciences to fitness & fun - for specific skill development.
In 1998, the two dreamers saw their vision realized with the opening of the very first 34,000 square-foot O2B Kids SuperCenter. It was a grand celebration with over 1,000 O2B Kids members discovering the original concept of “learning through play.”
With the help of generous investors and a dedicated staff, O2B Kids grew...and grew...and grew. And, we aren’t done yet! We look forward to putting an ever-growing number of children and communities on the path to their very own "…happily ever after."
Welcome to the new learning playground!
We believe in learning by doing. We believe in trying new things. We believe in temporary failure and glorious success.
We believe in doing our best. Perfect is boring. Different is beautiful. Imagination is supreme.
We believe in getting dirty. Messy play is more fun than clean play.
We believe in respecting others, making friends, and laughing at ourselves.
We believe in emotion. We believe tears leave our body to find happy thoughts. We believe in joy.
We believe in learning from our mistakes...eventually. A bad decision is better than not making one. Learn from it.
We believe in booboo's, uh oh's, oops, and all better. We believe in skinned knees and dirty t's.
We believe in exercise. Sweat is the body celebrating effort. Running is freedom. Stopping is...painful.
We believe in grape juice smiles and spilled milk. We believe in cleaning up.
We believe in nature. Our planet is a gift. It's our responsibility to take care of it.
We believe in the individual. We control our own actions, thoughts, and words. Nobody else. Exercise this freedom with respect.
We believe in love. Everyday we should play. Everyday we should learn. Hugs are really, really great. So is ice cream.
We believe in choice. We believe in discovery. We believe in living every day as if it were our first. Read. Laugh. Dance.
We believe in the future. Leave no traces. Make good choices. Dream big dreams. Everything is possible. Everything is possible. Everything is possible. Be anything you want to be.
We believe in kids.
Each year, O2B Kids awards Preschool, Afterschool and Membership Scholarships to children who inspire us - helping these kids grow into responsible, respectful citizens of our world.
These scholarships are named in honor of O2B Kids employees who have worked with the company for ten years or more. To date, more than $160,000 in scholarships have been awarded and this number will continue to grow as new Fun Crew members are inducted into our ten-year Founder’s Club!
This year, we’ll award 59 scholarships totaling $29,500. Applications will be accepted in September and awarded in November.
This annual FUNdraiser supports the public school systems in the communities we serve. It’s a Grown-up’s Day to Play – the only day of the year that we open our facility only for adults! Live music, a huge silent auction, a bar-b-q dinner and many crazy games help adults remember the joy of childhood – in one special evening. This annual event has raised over $500,000 for our local public schools.
We host Parent Night Fundraisers for local charities, schools and civic organizations. Each event is themed and a portion of every child’s admission is donated to the participating organization.
Our face-painters and balloon artists are a mainstay at local festivals, school carnivals, art shows and fundraising events. It’s a great way to connect with the community and touch the lives of children.
Our employees participate in the United Way campaign, volunteer in our local schools, and serve as board members on many local non-profit organizations.
Each year our students raise money and contribute to charities of their choice as well. Over the years, we’ve raised and donated money to the local Humane Societies, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital, UNICEF and the Red Cross. Our kids frequently organize and contribute to canned food drives, book drives and teddy bear collections as well!
Over the years, we've been recognized by our community for the work that we do. Some of these honors are highlighted below.
Favorite Local Preschool
Favorite Local After School Program
World’s Fastest Growing Gator Businesses: #21/100
Best Preschool
Best Youth Education/Recreation
Most Spirited Booth
Favorite Local After School Program
Favorite Local Day Care
Local Preschool
O2B Early Education ranked No. 2019/5000
O2B Kids celebrated 25 years of business in August 2023
Top 25 Preschool
Best Preschool
Best Summer Camp
Best Indoor Play Place
Most Spirited Booth
Nominee: Best Childcare Facility
Best Afterschool
Best Childcare
Best Dance
1. Meekah makes Elephant Toothpaste at O2B Kids
2. Meekah Dances at O2B Kids
3. Meekah explores Science at O2B Kids
Nominee 2022
Non-Religious Preschool
Best Indoor Play Center
Parents Night Out
Best Birthday Party Venue (Age 1-6)
Favorite After-School Program
Favorite Local Child Care Center
O2B Kids named a top 3 company of 2020
Favorite Indoor Fun
Best Place to have a Birthday Party
Association for Early Learning Leaders
Best Indoor Fun (Little Kids)
Best Childcare
Best Preschool
Altamonte Springs
Best Afterschool program
O2B Kids was founded in 1998
Association for Early Learning Leaders
Best Childcare
Best Indoor Fun (Little Kids)
Runner up:
Best Preschool
Best Gym Classes
Best Art Classes
Altamonte Springs
Best New Business
Best Afterschool Program
Runner up for Best Gym Classes
Association for Early Learning Leaders
Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce
United Way
Gainesville Sun
Florida Department of Education
Inc. Magazine
Jax Hot List
Best Family Fun
Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce
United Way
Florida Department of Education
United Way
Programs vary by location. Discover the options near you!