O2B Kids

O’Fallon, MO


We're the Preschool your child will love!

  • Art
  • Circle Time
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Learning Centers
  • Literacy
  • Math
  • Music & Movement
  • Physical Fitness
  • Reading & Writing
  • Science
  • Themed Play
  • Sports
O2BKids O2BKids

About this Location

Monday : 6:30 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday : 6:30 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday : 6:30 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday : 6:30 am - 6:00 pm
Friday : 6:30 am - 6:00 pm

864 Homefield Blvd.
O’Fallon, MO 63366

Pickup From

This location is PRESCHOOL only

Phone Numbers (636) 379-2600
Child Care
License Number
  • 001768449
Areas We Serve

St. Paul
Old Monroe
Moscow Mills

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Join the O2B Kids Family!

Conveniently located off of Homefield Boulevard near TR Hughes Boulevard and Tom Ginnever Avenue.

Our School

Welcome to O2B Kids O'Fallon (Formerly Bright Start O'Fallon), in St. Charles County, Missouri, serving Infants, Toddlers and PreK children!

Our school prioritizes your child's educational experience! Each of our classrooms is generously sized and fully equipped. Our centers are meticulously crafted to provide your child with all the tools necessary for play-based learning.

We can’t wait to partner with your family and prepare your child for Kindergarten!

Kindergarten Ready

At O2B Kids, your child's education goes beyond the alphabet and numbers. Our skilled educators foster holistic development, empowering children with critical thinking skills and autonomy.

Safe & Secure

We understand your child's immense value, which is why we prioritize their safety from the moment they step onto our premises. This commitment encompasses stringent security measures, including a reliable check-in/check-out system, teacher background checks, CPR and first aid certification, and frequent classroom sanitization throughout the day.

Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork!

Interaction plays a crucial role in our program, focusing on teamwork, effective communication, and emotional awareness through engaging play and group tasks. Within our inclusive setting, we prioritize fostering enduring bonds between both students and educators.

Loving Environment

  • Love is at the root of O2B Kids! Our dedicated Fun Crew fosters a nurturing atmosphere and creates strong connections with both parents and students.
  • Honeycomb: You’ll receive daily photos of special moments and achievement badges through our parent communication portal, Honeycomb!

Location Reviews

Wonderful school with caring teachers that are great with the children and love what they do!

Richard J.

Our daughter loves her time there and we love seeing how much she's learned in the short time she has been there.

Luisa & Derick

Everyone that I have had any contact with at O2B has been very pleasant and helpful! Always ready to help with any question or concern that I may have...Thank you!

Mona S.

My son has been attending O2B since he was 2 months old and my husband and I have been so pleased with the care he's received there. I haven't once seen a teacher or administrator looking at their phone or seeming inattentive or uninterested in what they were doing. The teachers and staff are patient, gentle, and caring, and make an effort to know every child by name. I can trust them and my son seems to really enjoy school and interacting with the other kids. I have no regrets in choosing O2B!

Erin M.

Fantastic organization. Great staff, teachers, programs, and facilities. They are calm and kind with the children and use respectful practices. They also have good activities for the kids to engage.

Daniel A.

Our son has been at O2B since he was 4 months old and we absolutely love it. All of his teachers have been so wonderful and he is always so happy every time I pick him up. He’s grown and learned so much there.

Kristen C.

    O2BKids O2BKids

    What is O2B Kids?

    Learn about O2B Kids from Co-Founder and CEO, Andy Sherrard!


    We help parents grow their children to become responsible, respectful, future citizens of our world.

    Meet Our Super-Duper Fun Crew From All Over!

    O2BKids O2BKids O2BKids

    Mealtime Equals Nutrition & Learning

    We’ll Provide Your Child Well-Balanced Meals and Snacks

    We know that a healthy life starts with the nutrition we use to fuel our bodies, and it’s even more important for children! We’ll make sure to feed your little ones nutritious, delicious meals and snacks while they are with us so they can feel their best while learning and growing!

    Nutrition is a Priority

    Learning isn't easy on an empty stomach! That's why our menu is designed to provide a wide variety of nutritious meals and snacks, full of all of the important vitamins and nutrients that will keep kids feeling happy and healthy all day long.


    All babies are unique! That’s why your infants' feeding schedule is set individually with each family and Teacher. Once it is developmentally appropriate and your baby is 6 months of age or older, infants may receive our O2B Infant menu.

    Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack

    Our schools serve breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack to keep your child full and energized throughout the day! Our meals and snacks follow all Child Care Food Program’s meal pattern requirements.

    Timed Just Right

    A consistent mealtime is key to keeping your child’s body energized and happy! We give children the consistency they need to thrive and ensure their overall well being.

    Growing Up Strong

    Research shows that well-nourished children are healthier, more attentive, and are better mental performers!

    Download OUR MENU

    Tuition & Fees

    Preschool Tuition

    • Infant: $325
    • Freshman: $325
    • Sophomore: $291
    • Junior: $263
    • Senior: $263
    • Tuition is shown weekly but may be paid weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
    • Tuition must be set up for automatic payments using a checking account, debit or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, or American Express)
    • We offer the following billing cycles: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
    • Tuition payments are evenly divided throughout the year based on your billing cycle
    • Free weeks or credits are not awarded for absences, school holidays, and scheduled or emergency closures
    • A 5% sibling discount is offered with the youngest child paying full tuition
    • There is an initial enrollment fee of $100 per child
    • We require a one-week written notice to cancel any O2B Kids enrollment

    Ready to Join Our Family?