O2B Kids

About Ambassadors

Kids today....Leaders tomorrow

Ambassadors is the Leadership training program at O2B Kids. Children in this program will discuss what it takes to be a leader and learn to look for and develop these qualities in ourselves and others.


Ambassadors is a leveled program, that starts at age 8.
Ambassadors Level 1

Ambassadors Level 1


Ambassadors Level 1 is an introduction to our ambassadors program. Children learn about leadership skills, and O2B Kids programs.

Ambassadors Level 2

Ambassadors Level 2


Ambassadors prograss to Level 2 with teacher permission. Kids continute to participate in the Ambassadors mixed level class, but they may also take a shift in the O2B Kids Playvillage shadowing a Play Leader.

Ambassadors Level 3

Ambassadors Level 3


In Ambassadors Level 3, kids continue to participate in the Ambassadors class and then may also shadow at the Front Desk, Cafe, Management Team, or co-teach Program Calendar Classes.


Leadership Qualities

  1. Resilience
  2. Empathy
  3. Humility
  4. Purpose
  5. Vision
  6. Perspective
  7. Trust
  8. Accountability
  9. Emotional Intelligence
  10. Patience
  11. Integrity
  12. Motivation

Your Daily Class Schedule

All levels of Ambassadors take class togtether, Level 2 and 3 Ambassadors also take shifts around the building expanding their leadership skills with our Fun Crew.
  • 5 Minutes


  • 5 Minutes

    Skill Introduction

  • 15 Minutes

    Skill Building Activity

  • 5 Minutes

    Qualities of a Leader

  • 5 Minutes

    Real Life Application

  • 5 Minutes



Be Curious, Be Healthy, Be Kind!

O2B Kids classes embrace elements required for children to become responsible, respectful, future citizen of our world. We have defined a variety of key elements and address them through Program Calendar classes.
Be Curious
Problem Solving
Be Healthy
Healthy Body
Healthy Mind
Healthy Habits
Be Kind
Social Connection

Class Rules

Dress Code

All students should wear comfortable clothing.

Level 2 and 3 Ambassadors may only complete shifts in their Ambassadors shirt.

5 Minute Rule

Students must be present within the first 5 minutes to participate in class.

Respect Others

Students are asked to listen and respect others at all times.

Have FUN!

Always remember that having fun is the best way to learn!

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