O2B Kids

Have Confidence in Yourself

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Remember that speaking negatively about yourself can have an impact on your kiddos! As parents, you are constantly teaching by example, and speaking poorly about yourself, your actions, or your choices can create a precedent for your kids to think negatively about themselves, too. O2B Kids is an early education center in Florida and Georgia. Continue reading to learn more about how positive speak impacts your kids, and visit one of our preschools today!

(15 sec video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VgQsARY3oQtm0sueJbQigEzHmeLM17lI-Ow9L-Bav58/edit#bookmark=id.8dr3uls67ek6)

You Are Your Child’s Favorite Role Model

Our children see themselves as little images of us, so creating a negative outlook about yourself could transfer that doubt to them, too. Even when you don’t feel confident about yourself, it is good to remember to temper your thoughts and show your self-confidence, even if you have to fake it. And remember, faking it is okay, too!

Be Aware Of Your Speech

Being aware of your speech is one of the most important things you can do. How you talk to yourself will translate over to your children. Practice saying things out loud that you’d want your child to hear you say that are affirmative in nature.

Love Yourself With Actions

One great way to promote self-confidence is to constantly show it. When you hug your children and engage in play with them, you are helping them to grow. Similarly, when you engage in fun activities you love to do, you are modeling healthy living.

Correct Yourself When You Slip Up

If you say something negative about yourself in front of your child, correct it. Say something like, “I didn’t mean that. What I meant to say was..” and then put it in a positive light.


O2B Kids offers a positive, self-affirming environment where we use play-based learning techniques to help children learn, grow in self-confidence, and think for themselves. We invite all prospective parents to stop by and see for themselves what we offer. Contact us today.