O2B Kids

Pressure-Less Meals

Post time: 3:20 pm

Nobody likes to be pressured into doing something they don’t want to do, and the same goes for little ones, as well! If your kids are having issues with eating certain foods, like veggies or other healthier choices, try taking the pressure off. O2B Kids offers a top-rated early education curriculum at our numerous Florida and Georgia locations. Below, we’ll offer tips on how to get your child to eat vegetables, and contact us for enrollment information today!

(15 sec video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VgQsARY3oQtm0sueJbQigEzHmeLM17lI-Ow9L-Bav58/edit#bookmark=id.p55amp3cqnjw)

Set a Good Example

Inevitably, your child eats what you eat. Thus, if you make vegetables a big part of every meal and you eat them, too, your child will. If you have older siblings, you can enlist their help as well.

Mix Vegetables In With Their Favorite Meals

When you mix vegetables in with their favorite meals, they oftentimes won’t even notice the difference. For example, you can use zucchini noodles in a spaghetti dish or pasta mix, or try adding shredded carrots as a topping on pizza.

Keep Trying

It’s important to not give up too easily on vegetables with your children and just assume they don’t like them. When you first introduce vegetables, odds are, they won’t like them. However, if they try them repeatedly, they most likely will change their minds.

Change the Look and Feel of the Vegetable

You’ll be surprised how quickly your child warms up to vegetables in the shape of dinosaurs. Or, make a game out of eating vegetables. Another way to encourage your children to eat vegetables is to try serving them cooked rather than raw.

No Big Deal

Give the veggies to them without making a big deal out of the meal, and let your kid explore the tastes, textures, and sensations of the food on their own! Once the pressure is off, they’ll be less inclined to associate vegetables or new foods with a negative experience and will be more willing to try new things in the future.


O2B Kids offers the best preschool, toddler, and infant programs in Florida and Georgia. Our mission is to prepare your child for kindergarten success. We do this with our play-based education philosophy, our on-site field trips, our daily outdoor enrichment, and so much more. Contact us today!