Remember That Some Students Don’t Like the Spotlight
One of the best things about being a preschool teacher is the fact that your students are unique. This makes teaching them not only a challenge, but a pure pleasure, as you can customize your teaching to their learning style. One thing to keep in mind with preschool students is that while some students are outspoken and love to help lead the classroom, others are not. They are the quiet ones who don’t like to speak up too much, and unfortunately, they can also be the ones who are overlooked since they are quiet and don’t cause trouble.O2B Kids is a preschool with multiple locations throughout the Florida and Georgia. We have developed a proprietary preschool curriculum that is child-centered and teacher-directed. Our multi-layered educational approach caters to a variety of learning styles and impacts all students. Below, we’ll offer up tips on how to support preschoolers who don’t like the spotlight. Connect with us online today!TIPS FOR PRESCHOOL TEACHERS TO SUPPORT STUDENTS WHO DON’T LIKE THE SPOTLIGHTSet Aside One-On-One TimeQuiet students are usually perfectly happy to go through their school day unseen and unheard. However, as teachers, we understand that even quiet students need attention and need help making their voices heard. By setting aside time to meet with quiet students on a one-on-one basis, you will give these students a safe place to express their views.Ask Questions in a “Yes or No” MannerDuring classroom discussion, quiet students should be given an opportunity to participate and have their voices, opinions, and stories heard, too. A great way to accomplish this is to ask questions to your quiet students that have short answers, such as “yes” or “no”, and are not open-ended. This allows them to participate but still feel safe doing so.Give Them a Job To DoMost preschoolers love to help out in the classroom. It makes them feel special and important when they can be the leader of the line or they can run to the office to retrieve a package. By giving the shy children in your classroom a job to do, you will help them to feel special, feel included, and feel as though they can support the entire class, even if they don’t like to speak up.Assign Them a HelperOftentimes, shy kids partner with students who love to talk. This allows the other student to be the voice for the other child until they are ready to speak for themselves. Remember, you should never pressure shy students to speak up; this most likely will only have the opposite effect.O2B KIDS IS A GREAT FLORIDA and Georgia PRESCHOOLO2B Kids loves kids of all races, sizes, nationalities, color, gender, and personality. Everyone is unique, and this individuality should be embraced and supported, especially for preschoolers who are still trying to find their place in this world. At our Florida and Georgia early learning centers, we provide that extra safe space that could make all the difference with students just learning how to interact with their peers and with teachers. If you are interested in learning more, reach out to one of our locations today!