The 4 Dynamics of O2B Kids’ Child-Directed Play in Lake Mary
Post time: 10:40 pmChild-directed learning centers allow kids to play, experiment, discover, pretend, develop friendships, make decisions and take charge as they learn how the world works. O2B Kids in Lake Mary is built upon a layered educational approach that provides unprecedented variety and learning experiences for your child. As you read, we will highlight and elaborate on the four dynamics of our child-directed learning structure and encourage you to contact us today to schedule a visit at O2B Kids in Lake Mary.

Outdoor Enrichment
We all know how important it is to keep our children active and healthy, but sometimes it can be hard to find the time to go outside or just get out of the house.
O2B Kids in Lake Mary provides a variety of outdoor activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and children that are essential for early childhood development. Outdoor play allows kids to focus on their gross motor development, participate in team games, and appreciate the wonders of our natural environment.

Specialty Classes
Toddlers, kids, and preschoolers are all very different in their development. One of the best ways to keep them engaged and motivated is by giving them a variety of experiences. It’s essential for children to explore new things and learn about new topics outside of their regular routine so that they can grow as individuals with diverse interests. Weekly Specialty Classes are a unique treat for kids throughout the week and add enriching variety to the traditional school day. Classes at O2B Kids in Lake Mary may include creative movement, gymnastics, dance, yoga, music, drama, art, science, technology, sports, languages, and chess!

Teacher-Directed Lessons
It is important to start early with children because that’s when the foundation for their lifelong learning is laid.
O2B Kids in Lake Mary offers a wide range of preschool and toddler classes that are designed to help kids develop their skills in key areas like math, science, reading, writing, and arts. Teacher-directed lessons focus on specific learning goals such as letter recognition or counting and also help children learn how to listen, follow directions and build relationships with adult role models.

On-Site Field Trips
On-site field trips allow kids to explore and experience the world around them. They get to see, touch, smell, and taste things that they would not be able to do at home or through a core curriculum. Kids also learn how to socialize with other kids as well as adults in a safe environment. At our Lake Mary location, like all of our sites, we strive to create a “third place” for our kids to visit each day. While these visits vary by location, options may include a trip to the Play Village or Gym Room, or perhaps we’d head outside to our Tinkering Lab or Vegetable Garden. For over 21 years, our proprietary Integrated Learning System has put Child-Directed Play at the center of our educational philosophy. At
O2B Kids in Lake Mary, FL, our early childhood environment provides open centers, open choices, and a rich variety of options for your child.
Contact us today to learn more or schedule a visit!